• Have you ever thought, I mean truly thought about how important the Bible is? There are people in other countries that would love to have access to even a small part of the Word of God, but here in the USA we can own as many Bibles as we want. We are also free to have Bible verses adorning our home. It is good to have reminders of God's love and His instruction for our lives.

  • A little bit about myself. I grew up in the church and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at a young age. I know the value of meditating on God's word and what one of my friends told me put this idea in my head. She said she surrounds herself with Bible verses, whether on a white board or sewn into a pillow. Many people don't have time to make fancy things yet want Biblical truths scattered throughout the house in an attractive manner. I am here to help with that goal.

  • I am working on a variety of items, so be sure to check back frequently to see what I have added to my store!